Sunday, October 02, 2005
Halo 2 XBox Live Community: Wanker Magnet ?What is it with this fucking game ? It should be one, if not THE best Live experience out there. Yet it actually manages to be the worst ! The answer ? Try the American male aged between 12 - 25. These guys are in their prime - they've developed their trash talk, are at their most ignorant point in life with their attitudes towards other Countries, actually believe their own bullshit and also know that XBox Live, unlike the outside world, gives them immunity from getting a smack in the mouth when they get cocky with people.Of course shooting them up and listening to them scream and cry can be fun, but at the same time, I don't think many people signed upto Live so that they can have abuse thrown at them by snot nosed tossers. Its one of those communities where you'll get by if you can play the game, but god help you if you're a more casual player who just wants to have fun online. One things for sure, the young American male has embraced two words in particular - "gay" being one and "fag" the other. Oh and they also like to call you a Jew as well. I guess that was picked up from one of their main life experience teachers - South Park."British fag.... ah ! Want some tea !? ... er.... British fag..... ah ! Wanna play some cricket !?..... um.... yeah you're a British fag" - Get used to that online in Halo 2. Of course they have a go at eachother too in their usual way - kinda like an online dick comparing contest where you get to lie cause nobody can actually see the size of it. The cheating gets annoying at times, but then it never seems to compare with the obnoxious players. Thing is, in all the times I've played on Live, I've seen the odd tosser here and there, but no game has a "community" like Halo 2. I think its official - Halo 2 is catnip for pricks !And if you haven't had this wonderful experience, heres a link to a vid that shows these tossers of society at their best. on American girls, stop breeding with these fuckin chimps !
posted @ 7:21 pm