Tuesday, September 19, 2006

September Rant

So another month almost over and things are starting to pick up with the whole next gen "war". Of course with war tends to come atrocities, atrocities such as Europe getting its latest dose of severe shit pipe raping with no lube from Sony. I'm really starting to wonder if Sony are actually as thick as they seem to be desperate to make themselves look, or if there's some other motive to all this crap they've been pulling.

Maybe they have that whole dangerous attitude of "We're invincible !" and have decided to show their competitors just how dominant they are. Maybe its a way of sticking a finger up at Microsoft and Nintendo, as if to say "Look at this ! We can treat our consumers like complete fuckwads and the bell ends will still buy our consoles !"

At least that would kinda make sense, cause otherwise I'm struggling to come up with any other explanation that they can be aiming for. Its just such blatant stupidity with the likes of Kaz Hirai, its a wonder the twat still has a job !

Nintendo have finally announced the release date for their new console now, much to the excitement of thousands. I was reading through the whole news of it and of course found out that we'd be getting Wii Sports thrown into the deal. Now don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to playing it as much as anyone else, but come on, I'm sure they could have come up with a better title than Wii Sports. Maybe I'm a childish nob, but I couldn't help but have this image of something very different to the innocent fun that Nintendo intend with the title. With the help of that controller, I suppose one way to look at it would be the chance of a pissing sim, where girls could find out just how hard it is for us guys to aim into the centre without splashing the seat with processed beer. Maybe as an extra difficulty setting, a blur effect could be added so they could have that extra challenge of aiming while pissed.

On the Microsoft front, the Live Cam is coming. No doubt there's going to be plenty of stuff to look forward to in terms of enhancing the whole Live experience, but I think we all know that its going to be massively abused. Hairy ballbags for gamerpics, guys mapping their arse to the face of their Rainbow Six character and then of course the extra shit the girls on Live will be faced with. For all the talk of trying to attract other audiences to gaming, this could well be the thing that sends the idea flat on its arse.

On another note - Game, yes the shop. The shop that has stabbed its little fingers deep into my wallet for years has really fucked me off this month ! I bought Ninety Nine Nights early this month and after a couple of levels, started getting problems with it. No red lights on the 360 and all my other games worked fine. So like any other person, my first thought is to take it back to the shop and exchange it for another copy that works. Unfortunately I couldn't find the receipt, but then its not like I'm asking for a refund or a different game, so surely there shouldn't really be a problem - I'm a regular after all.

So off I go to the usual shop I buy in (there's two of them in this particular location). I goto the counter expecting a quick swap for another copy of my faulty title. Instead, I'm confronted by this fucking miserable little emo bitch who seemed to be trying to win some "I take no shit" customer service award ! Not only does she practically blank me as she recites the company policy to me over and over again before I can even finish a sentence, the little bitch who couldn't have been older than 17, couldn't have been more condescending !

Struggling with an inner urge to slash her fuckin wrists with my loyalty card, I decide to just leave and goto the other shop nearby. Spotting another new member of staff and fearing a similar outcome, I resort to the classic "I got this from a friend/family member" line. The result remains pretty much the same, but for a slight glimmer of hope - "Uh..... are you online...?" No, of course I'm not, I get on XBox Live by plugging my 360 into a badger's arsehole !
"Uh... then you can call customer services and get them to look at the history on your loyalty card and give you the number of the transaction to give us and get your game exchanged...."

So I get home and end up having to call the next day. Luckily Game only employ the best people and I get the next fucking oaf on their employee list. Another condescending, miserable bitch. She looks at my purchase history and turns into fucking Miss Marple. "You've got a lot of returns on here" (which I count up to about seven in the last year or so) - I got told this like I'd just been found out as some dodgy criminal. Its called the no questions 10 day returns policy you had, you stupid bitch ! Why else would anyone buy anything from this poxy company when they can buy from a number of other places for at least around a tenner cheaper !

With the amount of money these bastards have had out of me over the years, I should have been hearing something along the lines of "Would you like a blowjob with that sir ?", not getting constant poxy grief ! Of course I didn't tell her that, otherwise I was never going to get this bloody FAULTY game traded. She grudgingly tells me that I need to go back to the shop and get them to call through to her and that she will then confirm that I did indeed buy the game from their shop (urge to kill, rising).

So, back to the shop where this time, I'm served by a member of staff whose actually been there awhile. I explain the situation (again), adding what I was told by everyone else. The guy raises an eyebrow and says "Whatever.... dumb bastards...", takes my game, walks a foot to the cabinet behind him and GASP, gets me another copy ! Wow ! He did in three seconds what those other fucktards couldn't do between them ! My faith in humanity is at least partially restored ! My faith in Game however, isn't. With the cheaper price and regular occurrence of getting the games before the official release day, my money will be going to internet traders.

As for console launches, I'll goto Gamestation. Its harsh, but the excitement should be more than enough to help me deal with that fuckin horrid smell and shitty music they insist on playing.

posted @ 11:06 pm


Yahoo! Avatars
Essex, England

XBox Live Gamertag: English Redneck



My Wife


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